Following up on last week’s blog I would like to
present a short overview of my PhD thesis. The
overarching aim of my research was to rescue and transcribe (key into excel)
hard copy long-term monthly precipitation records for the island of Ireland
(see Figure 1). To quality check and assess the long-term precipitation records
for variability and change and analyse the records to identify past drought
events. In addition, my research aimed to integrate past documentary evidence
into the analysis to add confidence to the data and present some of the social
and economic impacts from past drought events. Finally, I aimed to reconstruct
long-term river flow records utilising the good quality monthly precipitation
records and asses the flow for past drought events.

Figure 1. Hard copies of rainfall records held in Met Éireann archives (Photos taken by S.Noone, 2012)
Summary of key
research produced a
quality assured Island of Ireland precipitation (IIP) network of 25 stations
dating back to 1850. The results of the analysis show that the years 1891 and
1964 stand out as the driest winters at nine and six of the IIP stations
respectively. The wettest ranked winters across 12 stations occurred in 1877,
1994 and 1995. The summer of 1995 was the driest at 6 stations (east and
southeast) while 1976 was driest at 3 stations (midlands and northeast) since
1850. 1861 ranks as the wettest summer for 8 stations located along the west
coast while 1958 is wettest for stations in the east. The 2000s also stand out
because of wet summers (in 2007, 2008 and 2009). Spring 1947 was the wettest
for 15 stations with both 1995 and 1976 notable as the driest springs.
Mann Kendall trend test results indicate positive trends in winter
precipitation and negative trends in summer over the period 1850-2010 (see
Figure 2 and 3). The trend results following data homogenisation showed changes
in magnitude and direction in trends at some stations. Malin Head has been
analysed in previous studies (e.g. McElwain and Sweeney, 2007) and significant
annual increasing trends were detected 1890-2003. However, post homogenisation
no annual trends were present at Malin Head, with similar results found for
winter. In addition, summer trends pre-homogenisation at Malin Head indicates
no trend while post homogenisation trends show significant decreasing trends.
results show the importance of assuring that climate records are homogenous as
misleading trends can be present. The trends in shorter records commencing post
1940 are not representative of the detected trends since 1850. The results show
that in most cases trends over the period 1940-2010 contradict the trends
detected over the period 1850-2015, highlighting the importance of long-term
Figure 3 same as Figure 2 only for summer.
research also produced a 250-year detailed historical drought catalogue for
Ireland and integrated qualitative historical documentary evidence. The results
identified seven major drought rich periods in the IIP station network during
1850-2015 with drought events lasting (>18 months) impacting simultaneously
at least 40% of the study sites in 1854-1860, 1884-1896, 1904-1912, 1921-1924,
1932-1935, 1952-1954 and 1969-1977 (see Figure 4).
Results for an extended precipitation series (1765-1849) identified a further seven long duration droughts (>18 months) during 1784-1786, 1800-1804, 1805-1806, 1807-1809 1813-1815, 1826-1827 and 1838-1939. Many
of these drought events occurred during or immediately prior to Irish famine
events, most notably the Great Irish Famine 1845-1849 (Ó Gráda, 2015).
An online drought mapping application which highlights three
of the droughts identified and their impacts, the map also provides a summary
of all droughts and can be accessed at:
evidence has provided important insights into the impacts from past severe drought
in Ireland while highlighted interesting societal responses (See Figure 5 and 6).
Impacts include reduced or failed crop yields, increased crop and dairy prices,
human and livestock health issues,
water restrictions, low
reservoir levels, water
supply failures and hydro-power reductions. The work
shows the importance
of combining qualitative
and quantitative evidence of
historical droughts, which
provides crucial information
allowing for a much
clearer understanding of drought development and impacts.
Figure 6 Circular from the Bishop of Meath authorising the prayer for rain, published in the Irish Times on 2nd July 1887.
My thesis produced (for the first time) a
homogenised precipitation network of 25 stations for the island of Ireland. The
precipitation network analysis has contributed considerably to knowledge by
providing important insights into variability and change over the longer term.
In addition, this thesis has produced (for the first time) a detailed 250-year
drought catalogue for the island of Ireland. This work contributes significant
new knowledge that can be used for stress-testing the resilience of planned
Irish water resource developments. By combining qualitative and quantitative
evidence of historical droughts this thesis has provided a more coherent
understanding of drought development and historic impacts. Finally, several peer reviewed journals have also stemmed from my research (Murphy et al., 2016; Noone et al., 2015; Noone et al., 2016; Wilby et al., 2015).
McElwain L, Sweeney J. 2007. Key Meteorological Indicators of
Climate Change in Ireland. Environmental Research Centre Report available online from: .
C, Noone S, Duffy C, Broderick C,
Matthews T, Wilby RL. 2016. Irish droughts in newspaper archives: Rediscovering
forgotten hazards? Weather. Accepted.
Noone S,
Murphy C, Coll J, Matthews T, Mullan D, Wilby RL, Walsh S. 2015. Homogenization
and analysis of an expanded long-term monthly rainfall network for the Island
of Ireland (1850–2010). Int. J. Climatol.
doi: 10.1002/joc.4522.
Noone S,
Broderick C, Duffy C, Matthews T, Wilby RL, Murphy C. 2016. A 250 year drought catalogue for the
island of Ireland (1765-2015) Int. J.
Climatol. Accepted
Gráda C. 2015. Famine in Ireland, 1300-1900, UCD Centre For Economic Research
Working Paper Series 2015, UCD School Of Economics, University College Dublin.
Belfield, Dublin 4.
RL, Noone S, Murphy C, Matthews T,
Harrigan S, Broderick C. 2015. An evaluation of persistent meteorological
drought using a homogeneous Island of Ireland precipitation network. Int. J. Climatol. doi:10.1002/joc.4523
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